There are two types of analysis in Fundamental Analysis, one is Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis.
In Qualitative analysis we will analyze factors like Management Efficiency, Customer Base , Client concentration etc.
In Quantitative Analysis will will analyze Financial factors like Profit and Loss Statement and various other ratios.

Qualitative Analysis is as much as important as Quantitative analysis because when Management is good, then only it can drive the company well and it should have well diversified customer base across different geographical locations, this will help the company to grow Organically.
In Quantitave Analysis there are various ratios, But mainly we need to select the stocks which are having less Debt to Equity ratio ,Return on Equity should be positive and Earning per Share should be Increasing this way we can select the stocks which are growing Financially, And when you are screening Financial Sector stocks you need to check some other ratios like NPA & CASA ratio.
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